Workshop in the library: one day of librarian
School library, Workshop in the library, School library – elementary schoolAbstract
The main objective of this project is to share relevant experiences that were conducted in a workshop given in the Escola Desdobrada Retiro da Lagoa in Florianópolis, in July of the 2008. It took place inside the Monteiro Lobato library with participants from the fourth grade. It is important to highlight, even though this project was coordinate by participative, cooperate and solidary work, the library Raquel Pacheco was conducted this work shop. The goals of this workshop. Were two: to that the library’s resources are. A common good and how was the technical processing of the library’s resourcesand this job should make under responsibility of the a professional, the librarian. The methodology used in the workshop was based on a presentation of previous works and practical activities inherent to the technical process. It is very
important of emphasize every moment of this workshop were main for the development this report that show the process and the objectives was get for the students this workshop aroused moments of reflection on how to think and act daily in order to better tare care of cur library resources.
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